The Official Board of Bayview United Church is now called the Church Council and is the decision-making body for the congregation. It is responsible for the spiritual, financial, structural, and social health of the church. The Council is comprised of approximately 15 members of the congregation including the treasurer, chairperson, and team leaders. The Council is responsible to the congregation as major decisions on matters of staffing, property, and budgets ultimately require congregational approval.

The Council meets for about two hours once a month from September to June.

Bayview church council planning day

Click here to see a photo of the participants

Bayview ministry teams

Minister: Rev. Cindy Cooper

Chairperson: Carol MacLean

Past Chair: Henry Ichiyen

Secretary: Howard Kagawa

Treasurer: Paul Takasaki

Men`s Club: Ted Nakamichi

Regional groupings Rep: Carol MacLean

Board of Trustees: Chair: Michael Kitagawa; Members: Brian Domelle, Linda Fujita, Ruth Graham, Henry Ichiyen, Brian Kai, Ken Koyama, Robert Kunihiro, Dave Pelton, Kaz Shikaze, Don Worth

Spiritual Formation Ministry Team: Leader: unfilled

Worship Ministry Team: Leader: Carol MacLean; Members: Ron Bloor, Brian Kai, Linda Sumiya, Christine Abe, Karen Quinton

Stewardship Ministry Team: Leader: Kaz Shikaze

Hospitality and Care Ministry Team: Leader: Rev Cindy Cooper

Communications Team: Leader: Brian Kai

Community and Global Partnership Ministry Team: Leader: to be determined

Ministry and Personnel: Co-Chairs: Michael Kitagawa and Janice Cermak

Property and Administration Team: Leader: Linda Fujita

Church Staff

Minister: Rev. Cindy Cooper

Office Administrator: Mary Leone

Custodian: (to be determined)

Music Director: Karen Quinton

Youth Class Leader: Jessica Yuan