April 2012
Palm Sunday Worship Service with Communion (Sun. Apr. 1, 11:00am) Japanese Language Worship Service (Sun. Apr. 1, 2:00pm) Good Friday Service (Fri. Apr. 6, 11:00am) Easter Service (Sun. Apr. 8, 11:00am) “Sound Barrier” by John Liddle and Beatrice Remedios on piano. Fun music for trumpet and piano. (Sun. Apr. 15, 1:00pm) Congregational Gathering (Sat. Apr.… Continue reading
March 2012
Lent II Worship Service (Sun. Mar. 4, 11:00am) Lent III Worship Service (Sun. Mar. 11, 11:00am) Lent IV Worship Service (Sun. Mar. 18, 11:00am) Stew Lunch/Bake Sale/Sharing Table Monthly service at Momiji Seniors Centre (Thurs. Mar. 29, 2:00pm) Lent V Worship Service (Sun. Mar. 25, 11:00am)
February 2012
February Black History Service (Sun. Feb 5, 11:00am) UCW Daybreak Event at Momiji (Sat. Feb. 11, 9:30am) with Rev. Coral Prebble) Ash Wednesday Service (Sun. Feb 19, 11:00am) Pancake Lunch and Family Photo Day (Sun. Feb 19, 12:00pm) Monthly service at Momiji Seniors Centre (Thurs. Feb. 23, 2:00pm) Lent I Worship Service (Sun. Feb. 26, 11:00am)… Continue reading
January 2012
Accessibility Training (Sun. Jan. 29, 12:30pm) Monthly service at Momiji Seniors Centre (Thurs. Jan. 26, 2:00pm) Communion Sunday (Sun. Jan. 29, 11:00am)