April 2012

Palm Sunday Worship Service with Communion (Sun. Apr. 1, 11:00am)
Japanese Language Worship Service (Sun. Apr. 1, 2:00pm)
Good Friday Service (Fri. Apr. 6, 11:00am)
Easter Service (Sun. Apr. 8, 11:00am)
“Sound Barrier” by John Liddle and Beatrice Remedios on piano. Fun music for trumpet and piano. (Sun. Apr. 15, 1:00pm)
Congregational Gathering (Sat. Apr. 21, 5:30pm)
UCW Planning meeting (Sun. Apr. 22, 12:45pm)
Monthly service at Momiji Seniors Centre (Thurs. Apr. 26, 2:00pm)
50th Anniversary of Oriole-York Mills United Church with guest speaker former OYM minister Rev. Bruce Misener (Sun. Apr. 29, 11:00am)


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